Thursday 19 September 2013

Sectioned in Hospital - Day 43

Written by Fox.

DAY 43 - 19th September, Thursday

Keri started the day hibernating as she didn't get to sleep until gone 4am again. The only reason she got up was when a nurse came in at about 1pm and said that her foster parents were coming in to see her. That was motivation enough for her to get up. Even though they aren't technically her foster parents anymore Keri still calls them that, they're still her family.

When they visited they'd brought some of her stuff; two of her posters, her holographic wolf photo, her pink mini dream catcher that her respite carers had bought her and her wind chimes! Plus a painting that she painted. Well, technically she didn't paint it. Little 8 year old Alice did, except she was co-conscious with Keri, which meant that Alice was in control of her body but Keri was still present and sat there painting. It's complicated really but Keri didn't know at the time that she was sharing her body and still thinks she did it herself, which technically she did. It was nice that Liz and Phil came as they made her laugh for the first time in a week! I was glad about that. She's not blaming them about her getting kicked out of her placement so it hasn't effected how she feels about them. Her face almost lights up when she sees them.

One of the patients, Dizzy, was quite down. Keri's made quite good friends with him so seeing him upset made her upset. He was sat outside smoking and Keri asked if there was anything she could do to cheer him up. He said to sing! So, after warning him she had a terrible singing voice, she sang him a song which helped him a lot! People commented on how "sweet" and "soothing" her voice was but of course Keri's low self esteem puts up a brick wall and deflects all the compliments.

With a load of pictures and posters, Keri has now decorated her room. It's totally personalised. That's the sign of any patient who's been in hospital longer than a month and isn't going to be discharged in the near future! It looks nice but I'm slightly put off by the fact she's made the room less clinical. I never wanted her to be here long enough to have to start 'settling in'!

Hopefully Keri will sleep soon as the nurse decided that instead of giving Keri her Zopiclone with her 10pm medication, he said he'd give it to her at 1am to see if that made any difference (1am is the cut off point they make for giving out sleeping tablets). It hasn't made any difference so far although it is only 1.30am after all. If she could then she'd take it more around 2-3am instead if she hadn't settled. Unfortunately she can't mess about with it in hospital as it's very structured, unlike at home where she can take the tablets when she's likely to go to bed or have an extra Zopiclone if the first bunch haven't kicked in. In my opinion, her racing thoughts that are stopping her from settling are all part of the psychosis. Hopefully when that settles down, so will everything else. Fingers crossed!

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