Wednesday 1 January 2014

Sectioned in Hospital - Day 147 (21 weeks)

Written by Fox.

DAY 147 (21 weeks) - 1st January 2014, Wednesday

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you've all had a good start and made a load of resolutions that most of you probably won't keep for more than two weeks! Although isn't that the point of new year resolutions?

Keri's spent most of her time in her room again, occasionally texting people and avoiding socialising again. She did manage to go out to the supermarket on her own. She wanted another DVD. She managed to find Season 11 of Family Guy which is the one season she was missing in her collection. She made it back safely which is what I was panicking about due to her thoughts yesterday.

David is back! I'm exhausted from having to do the responsible stuff all the time so I'm glad he's back. Last night he managed to talk to Sally and persuade her that today would be a bad day for Keri to commit suicide as it was a bank holiday, the bus outside the hospital isn't running and it would be likely Keri would have to sit and wait around on a railway track for an hour waiting for a train to finally appear due to the reduced services. Somehow Sally saw the rationality so Keri responded in the same way. The reason it didn't start off a full blown fight is because David didn't try and tell her not to do anything. He didn't turn around and say she shouldn't be helping Keri to commit suicide, he just said today wasn't the day to do it. That's bought us some time. I do admire David's way of being able to word things. 

I doubt anything will happen tomorrow as Keri's mum and her partner are visiting tomorrow in the late afternoon and bringing the dog. That should be a distraction and hopefully tire Keri out. Even so, things are quite unpredictable at the moment. Keri's mum is bringing Keri's GameCube games and remote except Keri can't use it yet as she's still been unable to get her TV. She's not annoyed by this though. It's been a busy time for her foster parents (especially with the amount her foster mum has been cooking!). She may even be moving rooms as she's the only female in the unit at the moment. There's currently three female rooms in the female unit and seven rooms in the male unit. One of the female patients has left, the other has been on leave. Keri noticed that the bedroom of the person who's left has carpet instead of laminated flooring so asked whether she'd be able to move. They've put her request down in their book to see what the manager says. I do admit, the room looks a bit bigger than the one Keri currently has but maybe that's because there's less stuff in it. Could be psychological.

Well, I know it's early but I'm tired, so is Keri. Another early night hopefully! She went to bed early last night but completely conked out until the afternoon. Her night was restless. She fell out of bed three times and at one point ended up with a nosebleed. I don't know how that happened, she might have whacked it on her bedside cabinet. I know it was because of a nightmare as none of us dissociated so it was down to her falling out of bed. Would be even worse if her mum and her partner hadn't bought her a thick furry rug to put down next to her bed!

Keri's new year resolution that's she's been set (making eye contact with people) hasn't gone well today! She's been slightly more talkative but only when spoken to or asked a direct question. I really don't know whether this is a good or bad thing!

She had her general observations done today and her chart came up as Amber. Her pulse came up as 138 on the machine, twice. The nurse checked it himself and noted how high it was and put it down as about 120. Her peak flow is also 270 so she needs to get her asthma rechecked as she got told that from the peak flow chart she had the lungs of an 85 year old woman! Matt also suggested she should book an appointment with her GP about her heart rate as it's been documented she's had a pulse of over 100 for over a year, sometimes it's even in the 120's when she's been doing nothing but lying down (observations are normally checked when a patient gets out of bed and Keri deliberately tries not to smoke so that it doesn't effect her pulse or oxygen levels). Apparently the high heart rate could be a sign there's something wrong with her heart as anxiety shouldn't cause her pulse to be high constantly, there would be some times where it would be lower than 100. Hopefully it's nothing serious. Keri's got enough labels and medications as it is!

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