Tuesday 14 January 2014

Sectioned in Hospital - Day 160 & 161

Written by Fox.

DAY 160 & 161 - 14th & 15th January, Tuesday & Wednesday (23 weeks)

Keri's now finished her fourth day of fasting. She's had no food at all since Saturday night. She's found an app for her phone called Fasting Secret which basically records weight, has a timer to encourage fasts and marks trends on a graph. Keri had her obs done again today. She only had them done on Monday but in two days she's lost 0.7kg. Now she's determined not to eat, although I have to say over the last couple of days she has had no appetite.

She's still on one to one observation while out of her room. She's hopefully going to be able to go to the supermarket with Simon, the manager, tomorrow but it depends how Keri is. She's not in the best place. She started hearing those unknown voices again and spent most of her time in her room again yesterday. For the last couple of days she's been rocking constantly and pacing, the faster the pacing the worse her state of mind is getting.

Keri ended up breaking down this evening. Her hallucinations of five guys were around. They were shouting up at her from the front of the building up at her window that if she didn't run away from the unit and kill herself then someone else was going to die tonight instead, someone she cares about. She genuinely thinks this is real. Ade and Gemma spent a lot of time with her while she looked so upset. Temporary two to one obs. That was just a short time until they could calm Keri down enough to get some medication and to talk one on one with Gemma. They were in the clinic talking for ages with Keri crying constantly. It's like the pressure cooker thing. Once she started crying she couldn't stop, then she started blurting out everything that was on her mind and about what she'd been told by the guys who said either she dies or a loved one does. She even saw the guys over by the fence while she was out with the two staff smoking.

Viv has tried to explain to Keri that the "someone dying" thing is just a thought process but Keri's having none of it. Whenever Keri sees the staff she keeps asking whether anyone has rung. She's even been texting people she cares about who've messaged her after seeing her Facebook status about the fact she was terrified a loved one was going to die and she didn't want a phone call tonight. She's been given all her medication, and then some more. She's completely knackered but is forcing herself to stay awake as she doesn't want to be asleep when someone rings to say someone's died, which isn't going to happen. If it does then that's going to be complete coincidence.

Let's hope someone can get through to her so she can get some sleep tonight. She's got plenty if opportunity to talk while on one to one!

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