Friday 3 January 2014

Sectioned in Hospital - Day 149

Written by Fox.

DAY 149 - 3rd January, Friday

I am SO ANGRY. The day started ok. Keri was unusually perky and her foster dad brought her TV in and set it up for her after they went to the supermarket to get a lead for the aerial. It looks pretty amazing and Keri enjoyed having some time with her foster dad. He even got to try some of Keri's coffee from her machine! It was a good break for her and it also gave the nurses a chance to get him to sign Keri's section 17 leave form as they are rarely able to get a relative's signature. 

So much has happened today but I'm just so angry right now. Keri had a key working session and the woman was such a bitch! She said to Keri that if Keri went AWOL and came back being verbally and physically aggressive then she should learn to control herself. Control herself? She's not even her fucking self! It's Sally doing that and no one has control of her behaviour when she comes out! You can tell I'm angry because I rarely swear! She then said that it was the view of the staff that they refer to Keri as Keri even if one of us comes out. What?! Do we not fucking exist anymore? I didn't mind it when we were all a secret and Keri was considered a delinquent but now they know us why should we be ignored? Why should our identities be trodden on? Why shouldn't we be treated like people? We are fucking people! Why can't people understand that!? We aren't just figments in Keri's head, we're all PEOPLE for gods sake. WE ARE REAL PEOPLE. SO DONT TREAT US LIKE WE DONT EVEN EXIST. It's degrading and offensive.

The only person we aren't offended by is good old Ade. He's working tonight. Keri was sat watching TV and we've all been shouting angrily since her session. As soon as Ade came in we all shut up, including Sally. Keri noticed this just as he was leaving, as we started up again afterwards. He's not clueless, he's met Sally before. I actually quite like him but it's really confused Keri. I bet you that by the time she goes to bed she will have gone to Ade and sat and had a conversation about it.

Screw all these bastards. We're gone tomorrow. I don't care what anyone says. Keri, Sally, do what you want. We don't exist so obviously you make all the decisions and are always in control of your actions. We're just your figments. Ignore us and we'll go away. STUPID. STUPID. STUPID. 

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