Wednesday 16 October 2013

Sectioned in Hospital - Day 70 (10 weeks)

Written by Fox.

DAY 70 (10 weeks) - 16th October, Wednesday

A non productive day with Keri spending most of it keeping herself down in the HDU and smoking in the HDU garden so she didn't have to talk to anyone. You can tell she's going downhill, the staff have noticed. She's keeping her eyes on the floor, her hood up and not making eye contact with anyone. She's become even more paranoid than usual.

She did manage to do her physio, although she was close to fainting afterwards. Keri had another binge and vomit session this evening so that's making her even weaker. She's better off starving herself than getting into her binge/vomit cycle. She went to get the food while she was out on escorted leave. She has unescorted leave but because she was so paranoid she ended up going with the staff.

Keri's psychiatrist saw her this morning to discuss again about sharing Keri's medical notes and for her to be able to talk to the police about what state Keri's mental health is currently in. Keri said it was fine. She thought it would be better having things out in the open instead of someone complaining that she was hiding something. Her psychiatrist ambushed her yet again later in the evening and said she'd decided that it would be a good idea to put up her dose of antipsychotics. Again. And also to change to 'normal' tablets instead of modified release. On the bright side it means Keri is going to be a walking zombie for the next few days. So that's just a warning in case I can't get the blog posts done! 

Odd, I can't watch this anymore. Just gone midnight and Keri went outside to smoke. She was stood there talking to the guys that she thinks are following her. They had a four year old girl with her who was calling Keri "Mummy" and the guys were saying that if Keri didn't do as they said then the girl was going to get hurt. She got so upset over that! She spent half an hour crying in her room before then getting her sleeping tablets. Now she's refusing to even say a word to anyone. She can't seem to even understand what people are saying to her let alone give a proper reply. I don't want to say this but I don't think Keri's going to have the mental capacity to be a witness at her court case. :(

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