Thursday 10 October 2013

Sectioned in Hospital - Day 64

Written by Fox.

DAY 64 - 10th October, Thursday

Some serious review of Keri's sleeping medication needs to happen! Night time is supposed to be my time not Keri's! Either way, she slept in again and was woken up by the fire alarm. Haha! At midday it just started up. There wasn't a fire but we had to evacuate anyway. The bloody thing was ringing for 15 minutes! All because the cleaners had been idiotic and steam cleaned one of the interview rooms without opening the door to the garden!

Keri had an hour to wake up before she was ambushed by another medical student. Another guinea pig moment as she calls it. He spent three hours talking to her! He was extremely interested in her, to the point that Keri's solicitor arrived and sat down with them (they were in the HDU lounge area) and he carried on talking to her for another 15 minutes before saying thank you and then leaving Keri with her solicitor.

Unfortunately, Keri's solicitor has never dealt with anyone with DID. Much like the bloody doctors here. Why even put it in the big diagnostic manual of mental disorders if no one knows what the hell it is or how to treat it? Even so, her solicitor sounded nice and was on Keri's side. Her suggestion was that because Keri can only have one tribunal every six months then it might be a good idea to cancel the tribunal at the end of the month and then review her section when she's been moved to rehab (if she's moved to a rehab unit within this hospital then they can put her in there while she's sectioned if they think it's more appropriate). Then, if things in rehab aren't good then Keri will still have a chance to change things. Keri's solicitor left after about half an hour saying that she was going to have a quick read of Keri's notes on the computer that the staff write every shift about behaviour, mood, activity etc. She's coming back on the 18th to discuss whether it would be better to cancel the tribunal and have it at a later date. Her section doesn't end until March and that's a fair while away! So we'll see what her solicitor suggests when she comes back, Keri also has her card so can contact her any time. Keri usually goes by what the solicitors suggest as they have her best interests. The one she had that represented her when social services took her to court to get an order to have Keri detained in a secure unit was really good and managed to get Keri only 6 weeks in that place when social services wanted a minimum of 3 months!

I have some great news! Keri and Mick have got their spark back! It's been a bit awkward as Sheila has decided to go on and on about how they'd make a great couple and trying to matchmake them. What's the point in that? They've already been put together! The matchmaking thing is long gone. Keri's spent a while this evening with Mick to keep him distracted. He's had things going on with his kids and his ex is the bitch from hell. So he was on the phone to her and got real upset. When he came outside after the phone call you could see he'd been crying. Keri instantly felt sympathetic and went to give him a hug but Sheila jumped in.
"You okay?" Sheila said as they were hugging.
"I'm fine now," he said.
"Good," she said, going to sit down and then she started yattering on about herself again.
Keri walked over and gave him a hug as he looked like he was going to cry again.
"I don't like seeing you upset," she muttered in his ear.
"I'm alright," he said.
"Bullshit," she said, hugging him tighter. "You may be fooling everyone else but you can't fool me. So don't bother lying."
He laughed when she said that and the staff came out. After another few seconds they stopped hugging but Keri stuck close by just in case something triggered Mick off again. Sheila seems to think she knows him inside out. I think she forgets about the fact Keri and Mick have spoken to each other about loads of touchy subjects. About the most she knows is that he has two kids (one biological). Because of this it bugs Keri when she starts yattering on about crap. Keri just wants to shut her up and say "Not everything is about you! The world doesn't just evolve around you and your life!" I think she'll end up snapping at some stage and saying that!

Keri's been feeling quite ill today but that's because of Sally. She's trying a new tactic. Instead of making Keri feel tense or having a massive headache, Keri's got so many aches and pains, and feels really quite ill. It's all psychosomatic. She's not physically ill but Sally is making her brain think it is. I think it's just cruel. If you're going to come out Sally then come out! Stop dragging it out and punch someone!

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