Friday 22 November 2013

Sectioned in Hospital - Day 107

Written by Fox.

DAY 107 - 22nd November, Friday

Keri woke up to a nice surprise this afternoon to find that her foster parents had come to visit. I tell you what, she couldn't have been happier. She hasn't seen them since the court case, and hasn't seen her foster dad since her birthday! So she was cheered up by that. They even managed to go out to the supermarket and sit in the cafe for a bit which was really nice. Keri even ate without throwing up afterwards! Although I wish I could say the same for this evening.

Keri may still be feeling suicidal but her urges aren't constant anymore. She's getting strong urges that come and go. During the times she's a bit more stable she's writing people's Christmas list and birthday lists and is hoping to plan to go home to her foster parents for Christmas Day. I hope she's able to. By then she should have been transferred to Alder Unit. I doubt she'll be off her section by then but she'll still have taken a step forward. Her foster dad even said he didn't mind fitting Keri's TV up in her room when she moves! Overall that visit did Keri good and she's managed to fight her urges to self harm today as they haven't been so strong. That'll be a combination of seeing her foster parents again and also the amount of medication.

And you'll never guess what. Keri actually showered this evening. I know. It's amazing. Recently she's been avoiding showers. Most of the time it's down to lack of motivation but right now it's the fact she doesn't want to see herself in her bathroom mirror. She thinks she's gross and fat and too disgusting to look at. Her weight at the moment is still borderline between anorexic and healthy and has remained that way for a period of time but Keri's having none of it. After her shower today she's decided she's going to start another fast. For gods sake Keri. You're beautiful just how you are! Plus those mirrors aren't proper mirrors! They warp you and stretch you out! Not reliable! Not that that would make any difference. I've already tried saying all of that.

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