Monday 17 June 2013

Daily Meetings

First off, for those that don't know, a daily meeting is a session where you can sit down and talk to your alters, almost like group therapy. I tell you, I definitely felt like a group therapist the first time I did a daily meeting! I felt like I was trying to control a group of pre-school children! Daily meetings allow different alters to express how they're feeling, talk about any concerns they have and even gives the chance for 'the littles' to tell a joke they've heard that day (if they want to say it, be sure to laugh!). 

It's recommended that daily meetings should be done twice per day, morning and evening - more frequently depending on the circumstances. To begin with it may not be easy. If you have uncooperative, aggressive, violent or sabotaging alters then, from my experience, you're just going to get a mouthful of abuse. Yes, this is upsetting for everyone but in some ways it also allows these alters to express their rage.

Some alters may not even want to participate but may well join in later on after a few sessions once they know what's going on. Others will be confused over the whole idea if they don't quite understand the concept that they are in fact a multiple and not a completely separate person in a different body.

I currently have 6 alters who are wanting to participate in the daily meetings out of the current total of 16 alters, 17 including me (although I have not been able to do a daily meeting due to certain circumstances). One of these alters, Sally, just shouts abuse and cuss words. We allow her to do that. Every alter who wishes to speak should be given the chance and notes should be written during each meeting. If there are any concerns then these should be brought up with your therapist, psychiatrist, carers, loved ones... Anyone who's involved in your care and can support you with your DID.

The whole point of these meetings is to try to keep things working as well as possible. There are times when the internal system is in absolute chaos, at these times daily meetings may not be possible and the first thing that needs to be sorted is maintaining the safety of yourself, your alters and people around you. Don't be scared to talk about your alters with people you trust. It's a lot easier to do with a good support network.

I found daily meetings helpful. Unfortunately I've been very tired and unmotivated lately as I'm having issues with my medication but as soon as I'm sorted again I will be back to doing the daily meetings. 

Anything I suggest on this blog isn't going to work for everybody. Some things will work for some people, whereas other techniques will work for others. Everyone is unique, especially people with DID as there are so many variations. No two people with DID are the same, so no one technique will work with everyone.

If any of you try the daily meetings I would love to hear your feedback, positive or negative. Feel free to post your thoughts on our Facebook page or a private message if you feel more comfortable.

Don't feel you have to rush into anything. Pace yourself, take your time and try to take care of yourself and your internal family.

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