Saturday 15 June 2013

Alter Personalities and Medication

I really don't understand the physical side to my D.I.D. In this post I'll be focusing mainly on the medication aspect. To start off with it might be handy to know what medications I'm on. Disregarding the few types of tablets I need for physical symptoms, I'm on several psychiatric medications, including Quetiapine, Diazepam, Mirtazapine and Zopiclone.

I didn't think I needed this medication and have been on the doses for a long time. Recently I spent about 3 weeks not being able to take my medication because Sally (my violent homicidal alter) wasn't allowing me to take any of it. During those three weeks I noticed dramatic changes within my system. Jimmy (a 4 year old boy) was very upset and crying a lot. David (a rational 20 year old male) was starting to feel suicidal himself because of the chaos that was going on inside. David's reaction was startling and I didn't even realise how confused he was feeling until one of my foster carers told me that Jimmy had given her a letter one evening from David expressing his concerns. Fox (a 15 year old homosexual mute) went totally fucking nuts. He's normally very passive but he turned into a very distressed and extremely psychotic boy. 

The effects on me? I couldn't sleep and only slept after I passed out drinking a litre of vodka a day. I was very restless and could never sit still. There were times when I'd spend over 3 hours just pacing up and down the garden. 

After the ultimatum from the Intensive Team psychiatrist last week (either I take my medications at home with support from foster carers or take them in hospital where I'd be given them by force), I started taking my medication and yes, there have been some difficulties in doing this. On the bright side I'm not in hospital yet.

What I don't understand is why the medications effect my alters differently to how they effect me. Take Sally for instance, she needs about 5 times the amount of drug sedation to calm her down or knock her out compared to the smaller amount that I do. How does that work? Some of my alters have they're own mental illnesses. In my opinion I think Fox is a catatonic schizophrenic (although I'm not a professional). In some ways I'd like a psychiatrist to sit down with each of my individual alters and assess they're different needs just so we can have a more peaceful life. At the moment we're all over the place. I can say that we're definitely less all over the place now we're back on our medication but we're still toeing a very fine line between being able to stay at home with my foster carers and having to be put into hospital again.

If anyone can explain this or even find a site that talks about it then please let me know. I've tried myself but I really can't get my head around it!

In my next post I think I'll be writing a list about each of my alters. They want to be recognised. At the present moment there are 17 of us (including me). However, when I write that post I'll only mention the current most dominant ones to make it less confusing. Both for myself and you guys!

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