Sunday 5 February 2012

Disordered Eating - Unexplainable

1. One day you're eating 200 calories, the next day you could be eating 2,000.

2. You can lose 10lbs in two weeks and gain 12lbs in the next week.

3. On one day you fast, the next day you eat a week's worth of food. Then comes the decision purge or no purge? On good days, you do. On bad days you eat more and just crawl into bed.

4. You keep telling yourself tomorrow will be different. It never is.

5. Even if you try to diet somewhat 'normally', you lose nothing because your metabolism is so screwed up because you're treating your body like shit.

6. You're too fat for help but not fat enough to be considered 'normal'.

7. On a good day you might go out to eat but then you're instantly triggered by seeing a girl ordering a salad with the dressing separate.

8. You still rule out the "bad" foods - like blotting off grease on food, eating toast or sandwiches without any butter, drinking diet coke etc.

9. After a major binge/purge you're scared to even drink water with the fear that you might have put on weight.

10. You're in a constant battle trying to decide whether it's emptiness or food that you crave the most.

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