Sunday 18 August 2013

Sectioned in Hospital - Day 11

Written by Fox.

DAY 11 - 18th August, Sunday

Keri's day didn't start well. She woke up way too early again and tried getting the bug out of her head again. This obviously didn't work. Unfortunately, even though she's in the middle of a paranoid psychosis this doesn't make her DID go away. Sally has been very domineering and didn't want Keri to have her morning medication. As a result Keri pretended to take it and resorted to spitting it out as soon as she got back to her room.

By the time it reached around 12pm the bug in her head was getting too much and the nurses ended up having to give her some Lorazepam to calm her down. It worked to some extent. I was glad that she was given it as she'd not taken her medication so hadn't had her sedatives which of course rendered her incapable of even sitting down properly. Her hallucinations had also got worse which ended up making Keri burn her wrist with cigarettes which just added to the mess.

Her little brother visited today and I think it did her some good. Inside she was really confused as she still thinks her brother is a demon (although I think there are some small doubts in her mind now that weren't there before, that's a good thing right? Considering this delusion has been going on for over 18 months!). He brought some lovely presents. Keri got some cookies and diet coke, and he even brought me and Clarissa a separate packet of cookies each! I thought that was very considerate of him to be honest, and very accepting as well. 

This evening her main fight has been with Sally. I'd dread to think what will happen tomorrow or Tuesday. Her psychotherapy session is tomorrow and Sally has met the psychotherapist now, that's just not good. When Sally has met someone she's more likely to come out again in front of the same person. And Tuesday? It's her care plan meeting which is possibly discussing discharge. If she doesn't get discharged then Sally will be a walking time bomb. This isn't a good situation for any of us!

Hopefully tomorrow will go well as the nurses have gotten into the habit of just bunging Lorazepam into her medication cocktails. Whether or not Keri manages to take her morning medication is anyone's guess! She managed to take her Lorazepam and other two doses of medication so that is something I think. I just don't know anymore. I'm coming in and out like a yo-yo. It's actually quite disorientating. Clarissa also came out and enjoyed some of her cookies, thankfully not touching mine yet!

Wish us luck, by god are we going to need it!

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