Friday 21 August 2015

Sectioned in Hospital - 2 years 13 days

Written by Fox.

It was a good chance for Keri to have a better mood today as her brother came down to see her in town. She went on leave and they spent some time in Costa and also browsed shops. Keri did some retail therapy. Unfortunately her switching started happening while we were in Costa. Good on Keri's brother though for noticing when it was happening. Maybe people who know what Keri is like notice after all. She looks a bit confused and goes quiet, thinks she's in the middle of a conversation when she isn't... We've found out now that Penny constantly wears glasses so on the ward they're constantly on and off Keri's face. Chantelle has eyes that dart everywhere as she's a bit paranoid. We don't know about Emmy yet. This alter stuff is a full time job right now! 

Keri's started being really healthy physically. She's actually started trying to look after herself amidst all the chaos. She's drinking water a lot, going to the gym five times a week, eating meals (with a lot of my help), showering every day and trying to get a decent night of sleep. She hasn't smoked since 1st August which is three weeks nicotine free! Cold turkey! That's her focus while everything else is haywire. That's her control. It's a good form of control too, not her usual 'I'm not going to eat for weeks' kind of control. She's even getting up early in the morning, no matter what time she goes to bed. Her symptoms of psychosis and disordered eating have dampened down. It's only the dissociative symptoms that she's currently struggling with. The problem is, if her dissociative symptoms calm down then something else normally crops up. I'm sure a lot of people can relate to that.

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