Thursday 20 August 2015

Sectioned in Hospital - 2 years 12 days

Written by Fox.

It's been a long time since I last wrote a blog post. It's not been long since I've been able to get back online again. I'm hoping I can get back into things. So do you guys want an update on what's been going on before I start writing about D.I.D again? I guess I should start with an update today and see how it goes. I'm a bit rusty at this writing thing. 

We are now in a secure hospital and have been for the last ten months. It's a lot different to our last hospital. Overall it's gotten a lot better in the last couple of months. During the first several months we had serious problems but we are making progress now (although right now we've hit a bit of a blip). We now have home leave every two weeks and Keri sees her brother every week as well. I'm glad Keri is seeing her brother so frequently as it does her good, so does seeing her foster parents every fortnight. Her brother travels a few hours on the train to even get to Wales to spend time with his sister. If you're reading this then I'm grateful that you do that for her!

Her switching between us is a bit problematic at the moment. There are several of us coming out and constantly changing. I can't even make heads or tails of it let alone Keri! She's spoken to her forensic psychologist about it and she's confused too. I'm only coming out with David to try to regain some control. Several of the alters are quite subtle in their switches so it's hard to tell the difference. I don't think Keri's foster parents are even able to tell the difference as she's switched a couple of times when she's gone to visit them. It's frustrating Keri as no one is able to tell her what's going on. I'm normally her first point of contact, along with David, but we only know the names of the alters. We don't know them very well at all. They're called Penny, Chantelle and Emmy. We don't even know the day or time anymore! If anyone knows how to deal with this then please get in touch as Keri hasn't had switching and amnesia this bad since she was quite young.

I hope you're all well. Me and Keri are back online to answer messages and to date the D.I.D page now. Unfortunately no one can do any videos as cameras aren't allowed into the hospital.

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