Sunday 2 February 2014

Sectioned in Hospital - 5 months 25 days

Written by Fox.

DAY 179 - 2nd February, Sunday

Sally has spent most of her day being bugged by David to compromise so that Keri can get to Lime Unit without any hassle. It worked for part of the day but by the time it was the evening Keri was really struggling as Sally had suddenly turned on her and was shouting. She huddled on her bed clutching her head with more episodes of Friends passing by without her actually taking any of it in. Matt nipped into her room and noticed how bad she was getting which I was reassured by as I couldn't do anything! It's more helpful having external people being able to help, especially with one to one observation (it doesn't give Sally an hour head start to run off). 

I wasn't actually going to do a blog post today but it's now gone 3.30am with Keri not even grasping the concept of what people call 'sleep'. She's had all her medication but she can't even lie down. She's spent the night trying to pack but every time she starts packing Sally starts shouting even more. After a few minutes Keri gives up and has to take a break until the next time she can feel that she can deal with a few more minutes of Sally getting worse. I don't blame her for crying in her room while all this arguing and noise is going on. Even I'm getting a headache!

She's really depressed about having to go to Lime Unit but it's what's best for her, plus me, Clari and David don't mind going if it means it'll help Sally. Jimmy doesn't really mind as he's only 4. The only problem will be Sally. Although she's quite a manipulative person. Knowing our luck we'll be on our toes every day, she won't do anything, after a few weeks we get back and then she starts the same cycle again. I think there'll be a point when Sally finally snaps in no therapy session though. If she's going to be back on Lime then she'll be a time bomb waiting to come out, and she really hates our psychotherapist...

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