Saturday 1 February 2014

Sectioned in Hospital - 5 months 24 days

Written by Fox.

DAY 178 - 1st February, Saturday

Keri was up by 11am as she was looking forward to her aunt and uncle coming to visit on their way to the airport. She managed to stick to her new routine of going to bed at 3.15am whether she feels tired or not. She's not waking up feeling any more refreshed and her sleep is still restless. She even woke up during the night after having a nightmare and falling out of bed.

Her visit with her aunt and uncle was good. Keri enjoyed their company and catching up on what they've been up to and also letting them know about what was going on with her. They're going on holiday for a couple of weeks so managed to slip a visit in. Keri's hoping to start using FaceTime more to keep in contact with them, it just doesn't work out so well though if she's having a bad depressive episode, or is psychotic, or isn't herself. Jamie spent ages here and left totally exhausted, as was Keri! They even recorded a few videos. One in slow motion and another of them dancing on the Wii to the song Rock Lobster! I think their dancing is funny! She's been trying to put it on Facebook but it won't work!

Keri's still on one to one and has been pretty hysterical for periods. When her brother was here she was switching from crying to laughing to crying to laughing with tears in her eyes. She wanted to burst into tears. Even while she was laughing hysterically she was saying, "My life's so shit!" It was getting a bit worrying actually. Tonight she's now hit a really depressive episode. She's spoken to Ade a bit as she's been panicking about what would happen if Keri was on Lime Unit and it was decided she couldn't come back. Ade reassured her it was only temporary. It's nice to know what we aren't being dumped on someone else as usual when things get out of hand with Sally.

Tomorrow could turn out to be mayhem. Simon told Keri this afternoon that the plan is that he's arranging for Keri to be moved on Monday so that's only the day after tomorrow! Keri's planning to just pack the essentials but whether she gets round to being able to pack without Sally going completely mental I don't know. She might resort to the "do as I say or I'm coming out" tac tic. It worked on Monday! It happened so suddenly that Keri dissociated that no one could catch Sally even when they tried. She's not just a jogger, she's a bloody sprinter! Keep calm, Keri. Just keep calm! 

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