Wednesday 11 December 2013

Sectioned in Hospital - Day 126 (18 weeks)

Written by Fox.

DAY 126 (18 weeks) - 11th December, Wednesday

Keri's solicitor visited today and has put in the withdrawal application for Keri's tribunal. There isn't any point in her having it as she can promise to stay in the ward for treatment but can't promise it for the rest of her alters, like Sally! I don't mind staying, but some aren't as settled and feel uneasy about the whole thing, especially with Keri attempting suicide or Sally trying to kill us (I guess from an outside perspective that's the same thing).

For most of the day she's kept herself to herself. But by the time late evening came she had a complete mental breakdown. She couldn't stop crying and even ended up crying in front of staff which she never does unless it's extreme distress. She ended up texting her foster mum in the middle of all this asking to go home for a bit and, thankfully, she said yes. Unfortunately, it's all down to Keri's current overseeing psychiatrist to make the decision tomorrow morning as Keri's still under a section. Considering the aftermath of yesterday no one is too clear on what the answer will be. I can say one thing. If Keri isn't allowed out tomorrow then Sally will go nuts for her benefit. Keri will want to just run out the ward but doesn't have the guts. Sally does. That's the problem if they work together like that, it gets us into extremely dangerous situations, normally getting restrained and handcuffed too.

As Keri was so distressed, the staff gave her extra medication which Keri was a bit dubious about as she wants to be awake tomorrow morning when they find out whether she can go home for a bit. But if she didn't take it then she'd spend the night unsettled and it would be doubtful she'd get any sleep, or even stop crying. Matt brought her The Hobbit to watch as he's on the night shift tonight with Bernie. She's getting close to the end now so she'll be able to give it back later. It's kept her distracted which is what Keri has needed. She's also trying to hold onto the hope that she can go home tomorrow.

Keri made a nice new friend in the garden today! It was a ginger and white cat and loved being stroked and petted. I'll have to find a photo and put it on the DID page. It even sat on the table next to where she was sitting and just laid there, rolling on it's back every now and then. Keri's not a cat person and neither am I. But she was pretty, and Keri found stroking it quite therapeutic.

Wish us luck that we can go home for a few hours! Otherwise I doubt there will be a blog post for tomorrow!

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